Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Forum 3-Module 5

Forum 3-Module 5

Q Why would a plea bargain be acceptable to an innocent defendant? How do we harmonize the benefits of plea bargaining with the importance of justice? In its search for justice, how should the judicial system balance the rights of the accused with the rights of the victim?

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1. Normally, there exist three different types of plea bargains. A defendant is pleaded guilty to a lesser scale of offense. A defendant who pleads guilty might receive less strict sentence or a defendant might plead guilty to one particular charge and make the other dropped. Specifically, these bargains likely benefit the guilty defendants (Rosett & & Ruth, 1976). There are certain situations where fictional proof is strong enough against an innocent individual that might be viewed as something better to acknowledge, so that they can receive a less strict sentence. If a deal is good enough, while the standpoint of the case seems hopeless for the defendant although it’s rational and considerable for them to consider the plea bargain.